Boudoir Photo Shoot Packing List

Boudoir Packing List

This boudoir packing list shows my top suggestions for what to bring to your shoot. In a previous post I covered what to wear to your boudoir photo shoot, you can check it out here: You can also watch my video below where I go into more detail and show examples of what to wear to your next boudoir shoot. Hopefully this boudoir packing list will make it easy to prepare for your upcoming photoshoot! Download it and fill it out as you shop and decide on outfits.

Plan to bring at least 3 outfits of different colors, textures, styles, fabric and fit and make sure you try them all on before your shoot! Nothing is worse than planning on a gorgeous outfit only to realize it doesn’t fit in a flattering way, especially if you order online where sizing can vary greatly between makers. Also pack a nude thong for a white sheets or implied nude set as well as a pair of closed toe heels (either black or nude).

Jewelry to match your outfits should be kept to a minimum to not distract from your beauty. Keep it simple and classic. You do not want to see large dated necklaces and bangles in your photographs later on. The same applies to props. They should enhance rather than distract from you. A couple of props is fine if they hold special meaning, but resist making them the focus of the shoot. Once you’ve tried everything on, you are all set! Just relax and get ready to enjoy your shoot!

Boudoir Packing List

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Jungle Inspired Boudoir Photo Shoot

Jungle Inspired Boudoir Photography Shoot

Have you ever seen a jungle inspired boudoir photo shoot? I hadn’t ever heard of it. But I recently created a jungle wall for a set at my boudoir photography studio. I absolutely love the tropical jungle vibes I’m able to achieve. It’s a very different look from the typical studio set up or bedroom, but it adds an extra something special to a boudoir shoot.

So far I’ve done a jungle inspired boudoir photo shoot at least once a week since creating the wall. Each one looks so unique and unlike anything else I’ve seen in Michigan. It’s great to be able to shoot an “outdoor” type scene, because in West Michigan we’re stuck inside most of the months of the year!

Have you seen inside the studio yet? If so, which set do you like the best? Do you like the flower wall backdrop or this jungle inspired wall?