Why did you decide to do a boudoir photo shoot?
I thought it might be a nice boost for my self-confidence and body positivity. It was also something my husband had mentioned more than once before our wedding.
What was your favorite thing about your shoot?
It’s a tie between getting my hair and makeup done, and wearing really pretty lingerie. I felt fabulous.
How did you feel when seeing your photographs for the first time?
I was excited to see myself in a different light.
What would you tell other women considering a boudoir photo shoot?
Definitely do it!
Seize the opportunity to see yourself in a different way, one that’s out of the ordinary and will boost your self-esteem. Don’t get hung up on your “flaws” or your size; use it as a chance to rediscover the unique beauty you possess just as you are.
Our mission is to empower women through photography. What does “empowerment” mean to you?
I think empowerment helps us discover or reminds us of positive things about ourselves, whether it’s that we’re strong, talented, beautiful, smart, sexy, etc. Empowerment lets us remind the world who it’s dealing with.