Why I Photograph Boudoir

Why I Photograph Boudoir West Michigan Boudoir Photography Studio

I photograph boudoir because to me it’s the most beautiful and meaningful artistic form of photography. My mission as a boudoir photographer has always been to empower women to become more confident in themselves and to attract more positivity and affirmation into their daily lives. Empowering women by letting them take control of their own sexuality and bodies, master their sensuality, decide how they want to feel, how they want to look, and how they want to be seen, and learn to love themselves in an inclusive, judgement-free studio with a confidence-boosting experience. They should feel empowered, confident, excited, happy, beautiful in body and soul and spiritually-healed when they leave my studio. F*ck society’s standards and norms. I’m kicking the doors down and letting women free.⁠

My first boudoir experience was being photographed myself and that helped me to understand how important boudoir is. I spent a very long time hating on my body and not believing I was beautiful that stemmed from sexual abuse and a general lack of self-worth. Boudoir helped me to regain my confidence in myself and helped me begin a journey of healing and coming to love and appreciate my body rather than hating on it.

My assistant (and my mom!), Maria, was the perfect choice of boudoir photographer for me to come to understand what boudoir is all about. She was kind and complimentary throughout the entire shoot. If you’ve never met her, you don’t know how gentle she is and how cute and smiley. She’s the reason why I photograph boudoir and that atmosphere is one that I try to provide to every woman that comes into my studio, because it’s not easy to put yourself out there and be vulnerable. I want to create a safe space for every woman to come into herself and to open up and begin that journey towards self-love and confidence.

What makes you want to do a boudoir shoot? Send me an email from the Contact page, I’d love to chat with you!

Interested in learning more about a #MBPEmpower Boudoir Photo Shoot? Fill out the form below and I’ll send you all the info!

5 Myths about Boudoir Photography

5 myths about boudoir photography blog (2)
  1. Only people with excellent bodies should do it. I need to lose 10 lbs first. You don’t need to change! Love the you now. Doing a boudoir shoot will allow you to see how beautiful you ALREADY are. You don’t need to lose weight to love yourself. You just need to start now.
  2. You’ll hide what I don’t like and “photoshop” me to look beautiful. I’ll pose and light you to show you how gorgeous you already are. You don’t need to change what you look like. You just need to see yourself in a flattering pose and with flattering light that isn’t one of those terrible cell phone selfies that your friend took on a ladies’ night out that makes her look good but doesn’t flatter anybody else in the photo. Believe me, with a little professional guidance, you’ll see that you are as gorgeous as any magazine cover.
  3. It’s just sexy photos. Boudoir is about more than just taking sexy photos. You’ll definitely have those! But those are just the way to remember the experience. Boudoir photography is about teaching you to love yourself and your body. Women can often feel a sense of self-worth from their intelligence, their drive and their achievements, but it’s just as important to love who you are physically. It isn’t the only or most important part about you, but it is an important part. Ignoring or hating what you look like physically can prevent you from fully loving yourself and allowing yourself to live abundantly in joy.
  4. A boudoir shoot can only be done as a gift for a significant other. While a lot of women do a shoot as a gift for a lover and that’s a super sexy gift to give, it’s important to do it first for yourself. This is a gift for YOU. The gift of confidence, of love, of self-worth.

    I first learned about boudoir photography by doing a shoot for myself and it was the best gift I’ve ever given or received. It boosted my confidence and reminded me that my body was beautiful just how it was even at a time when I wasn’t willing to be kind to it. As women, it can be hard to not pick at all our flaws when we see so many images of how we “should” look. My boudoir shoot showed me that I was beautiful and unique and my flaws were just part of my story. It was truly the greatest and kindest gift I could ever give myself.

  5. It’s too expensive. Boudoir photography is an investment in rebuilding your self-worth. It’s about the experience of loving yourself enough to allow yourself to be pampered, to have a day celebrating who you are, and having reminders of the joy you found in loving yourself and being able to recreate the experience whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Interested in doing a boudoir photo shoot or learning more? Read the FAQs or Contact me to chat more at my studio and get all of your questions answered!

Interested in learning more about a #MBPEmpower Boudoir Photo Shoot? Fill out the form below and I’ll send you all the info!

Corinn – Empowering to feel comfortable in my own skin

Intimate Boudoir Photo Shoot in Grand Rapids
How did you feel before your photo shoot?
A bit nervous but excited!
And after?
Confident and so sexy! Even though I arrived a little nervous my nerves were quickly calmed.
It was so empowering to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin and see these photos that show confidence and curves!!
What was your favorite thing about your shoot?
 The instant connection I felt with Michelle, she made everything fun!
How did you feel when seeing your photographs for the first time?
I was honestly shocked! They looked so beautiful. Before the shoot I wasn’t sure I’d be able to look at the photos without picking myself apart, instead it made me feel so much more confident in myself. It was hard to only pick out the ones I did since I loved them all so much!

What is your best memory from your photo shoot day?
Listening to Michelle talk about building a community of empowered and confident woman!! It’s a beautiful thing to see woman building up other woman!
Our mission is to empower women through photography. What does “empowerment” mean to you?
Empowerment to me means feeling proud to be you! Unapologetically yourself <3
What would you tell other women considering a boudoir photo shoot?
Do it! Even if you’re nervous just jump in, with Michelle behind the camera you won’t be disappointed!

Katie – See yourself in a different way

Dark Romantic Boudoir Photography in Grand Rapids Michigan
Why did you decide to do a boudoir photo shoot?
I thought it might be a nice boost for my self-confidence and body positivity. It was also something my husband had mentioned more than once before our wedding.
What was your favorite thing about your shoot?
It’s a tie between getting my hair and makeup done, and wearing really pretty lingerie. I felt fabulous.
How did you feel when seeing your photographs for the first time?
I was excited to see myself in a different light.

What would you tell other women considering a boudoir photo shoot?
Definitely do it!
Seize the opportunity to see yourself in a different way, one that’s out of the ordinary and will boost your self-esteem. Don’t get hung up on your “flaws” or your size; use it as a chance to rediscover the unique beauty you possess just as you are.
Our mission is to empower women through photography. What does “empowerment” mean to you?
I think empowerment helps us discover or reminds us of positive things about ourselves, whether it’s that we’re strong, talented, beautiful, smart, sexy, etc. Empowerment lets us remind the world who it’s dealing with.
Boudoir Grand Rapids